
Rose Brand is your
partner in production

See our new, uniquely designed Rental Backdrops. Eight styles to match any occasion.


For decades, Rose Brand has played a leading role in making our customers’ productions look their very best. The portfolio below is organized into six sections, each with numerous projects from which you can view photography and a brief description. Choose the section of interest from the links below:
Theatrical Curtains
Theatrical Scenic Treatments
Event Fabrics In Use
Projection Surfaces
Digital Printing On Seamless Fabrics Up To 160'x16'
Cool Projects That Don't Fit Into The Above Categories

Casters save the day in Tasmania

A commercial construction company in Tasmania had a spec. that called for "zero throw casters." A Google search brought them to Rose Brand to supply what we call triple swivel casters, and the parts they needed.

A commercial construction company on the island of Tasmania, Australia came across a spec. in their drawings of an orchestra shell that called for Zero Throw casters. The construction company had no idea what that was. We call them Triple Swivels, but they are also know as turtles, tri-way casters and of course zero throw casters. After a quick Google search for the term, they came across Rose Brand.

Trying to talk with someone 16 hours ahead of your time zone is a bit awkward! When email wasn’t sufficient, the client called our sales representative's cell phone as soon as he got to work – of course our associate was usually driving home from work at this time! The client was looking for casters that allowed him to move a heavy-weight orchestra shell easily across a stage floor.

Once he understood that a triple swivel caster makes changing the direction of a rolling wagon nearly effortless, he wanted to see one in person and run it through some tests. After we got the client an idea of what he wanted, he placed a sample order for:
1 triple swivel Caster with 1800# capacity
1 Coffin Lock – Dual lock type
1 wagon brake – originally he wanted the heavy duty one listed in our catalog. Our associate didn’t think they would work for his project and we got him a different style.

All went well with the samples and he placed his main order for over 30 Casters and then another order for more Coffin Locks. A little international freight forwarding, a few wire transfers and Bob’s your uncle! One orchestra shell easily moved by Rose Brand!

Read our blog post on How to Move Big, Heavy Scenery & Equipment Easily and Inexpensively: The StageMaster Series Triple Swivel Caster.