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Rhapsody Acoustic Fabric, IFR


Rhapsody Acoustic Fabric, IFR

Rhapsody Acoustic Fabric for digital printing provides superb color saturation, high resolution and an impressive NRC of 1.00 that lets you turn acoustic wall panels into custom works of art. This 120” IFR polyester fabric gives you the freedom to design large seamless prints to cover acoustical panels without interfering with the panel’s absorption. Rhapsody is the perfect solution for museums, performance venues, offices and houses of worship.
Call or email customerservice@rosebrand.com for more information.

This product is also rated for its acoustical properties:
Noise Reduction Coefficient NRC: 1.00
Sound Absorption Average SAA: .98
Download full test results for this fabric
Absorption Coefficients Across a Range of Frequencies for ALL tested fabrics

This item is not currently available for online ordering, please select another item or call 800-223-1624 to inquire about backorder timing and substitute products.

Sample shipping & handling charge of $18 applies to orders shipped within the US and $50 for outside of the US. Additional charge of $1 per swatch. Maximum of 5 swatches.

Rhapsody Acoustic Fabric, IFR

Rhapsody Acoustic Fabric for digital printing provides superb color saturation, high resolution and an impressive NRC of 1.00 that lets you turn acoustic wall panels into custom works of art. This 120” IFR polyester fabric gives you the freedom to design large seamless prints to cover acoustical panels without interfering with the panel’s absorption. Rhapsody is the perfect solution for museums, performance venues, offices and houses of worship.
Call or email customerservice@rosebrand.com for more information.

This product is also rated for its acoustical properties:
Noise Reduction Coefficient NRC: 1.00
Sound Absorption Average SAA: .98
Download full test results for this fabric
Absorption Coefficients Across a Range of Frequencies for ALL tested fabrics


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